Kristine & Stryker warm up before playinThere’s a joke here somewhere: how many ring crew does it take…?Always important to stretch out before hitting the fieldSharing walk through strategies (and some sharp handling moves by Rob)Pole Dancers, Stephanie & Janet say hi to their fans (it’s their team name!!!)Wizzo & Poco standing guard til Mama comes back! Fred and Patricia show how it’s done.
The K-Town Paws bring some bling to MALJust hanging out in MAL-town.Hey look Mom, we’re on camera. Credit: Joan MorganSheltie Central? Credit: Joan MorganPuppy caught in a net! Credit: Joan MorganJudge Pierre is directed by his course builder. Credit: Joan MorganWidgeon measures up (figuratively!). Credit: Joan MorganAll the new dogs (and handlers) learn about measuring. Credit: Joan Morgan
Jersey confers with fellow MAL participants. Credit: Joan MorganBrooke & Teddy get ready for some fun runs. Credit: Joan MorganJo & Lisa share strategies for a fun run! Credit: Joan Morgan
MAL #2 JULY 16, 2017
Glenn and Gem getting ready to playFlying Turtles: grounded??Tails from the BarksideMichelle and future MAL star, Penny!Pole Dancers setting up camp (and getting ready to dance).Pasquale posing for the pup-arazzi!How can you resist? Qimmik knows how to work a crowd!Katy & Lexy off to a good start!Keeping Calm or Going Crazy? Only Rayven or Jersey know for sure! Credit: Joan MorganShawna with future MAL star: Ryobi! Credit: Joan MorganShowing that little dogs measure up in agility! Credit: Joan MorganPasquale: Hey Mom! We’re on camera! Credit: Joan MorganJocelyn, Cassie and Mercedes enjoy a great MAL day! Credit: Joan Morgan
Once again, Pasquale poses for his fans. Credit: Joan Morgan
MAL #3 AUGUST 6, 2017
Jo and Token contemplate their course strategies. Credit: Joan MorganMAL #2 briefing (although not always brief when Laurie’s doing it). Credit: Joan MorganAll teams work out their Snooker plans. Credit: Joan MorganShawna & Ryobi are big fans of the Pole Dancers. Credit: Joan MorganMAL newbie Cruse hopes Deuce will share his agility knowledge. Credit: Joan MorganThe field is set for our final MAL of ’17Jersey and Shalyn bring it home!Milly and Ally mutually focus on a good sit.MAL tent alleyHome base for Paw WarsNanuck sends telepathic messages to Lee to give lots of cookies!Ya gotta love me – GemTia and Brenda tackle the tunnels full speed!Lorraine and Lori relax on Vicki’s Memorial Bench.Wow! Glenn gets the lead on GemJudge Brigitte is outstanding in her field!!!Pole Dancers (see? they even brought their own practice pole!!)Steph & WinnieFergie and AngelaLee and Nanuck tearing up the fieldCassie is at the apex of agility!Manitoba Agility League 2017 participants (2 & 4 legged)MAL’s Got Talent: Premier Edition! Judges Glenda, Nicole and Bev look over their bribes – errrr – scoresPaw Wars adds some special “talent” to their performance.Flying Turtles make tu-tu much of their talent!Not sure who’s more entertained – the audience or the Pole DancersThe Crate Escape dazzles with their bling!K-Town Paws breaks loose with “Jailhouse Rock”Nanuck & “the fuzz”Isn’t Nanuck arresting in this pic?Cassie & Mercedes won points with BADogs for their costumes!First recipients of the (soon to be) coveted MAL’s Got Talent Trophy: K-Town Paws1st Place MAL 2017: Tales from the Barkside2nd Place MAL 2017: The Crate Escape3rd Place MAL 2017: Paw WarsChef Pierre fires up the grill for the end-of-season PAW-tyMmmmmmm bbq!Even the 2 legged participants of MAL get treats!The final course at MAL 2017 (get it?!?!)